Woosh... The 3rd language exams are finally over. It has been an exhausting week and I am thoroughly tired and worn out. Today, I get to take a break and manage to Facebook and of course, blog. So, how was the week like exactly?
Wednesday (23/9/09) --- Chinese Comprehension Test
Thursday (24/9/09) --- Japanese Oral Exam
Friday (25/9/09) --- Science Term 4 Exam and Prose Analysis test
Tuesday (29/9/09) --- Japanese written Exam plus Composition
Wednesday (30/9/09) --- Chinese Paper 2 Test
So you see, it isn't that free after all. To add on to all these terrible things, I have a Chinese Drama performance on Friday. *Sobs* Anyway, my EOYs (End Of Year Exams) start next week. Well, fortunately I don't have to take Integrated Math, History and Geography. So I only have 3 subjects to mug for. Yeah!!!
Um... I don't actually have much things left to say. Well, MUGGING begins now!!!